Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sarah Palin, the genetic lottery.

It's time like these where I'm glad to be a blogger. These times when the country is split in half on all the issues, and the issues we agree on we don't do shit about. Times like these where political candidates run on hate speech and propaganda.

Sarah Palin thought she would come to Wisconsin to show support for Governor Walker. She agrees with him on all his points. Yeah yeah. But the protestors at her speech weren't about to let her off scot-free

Palin: Wis. gov doing the right thing with unions

Here's the proof of Andrew Breitbart's insulting the protestors at the speech:
"go to hell."I'm serious!" he screamed. "Go to hell! You're trying to divide America!"

For progressives like me, this is an instant headache. It's instigation to try and destroy the unions credibility. And lets be honest, when was the last time you heard a protestor in Madison ask for anything other than respect for their own livelihoods?

Asking for respect and dividing America are two different things in my book. And last I checked, protesting is absolutely essential to true democracy. And what can I say, the Wisconsin protestors never fail to make me smile. "We drink beer, not Tea!" Solidarity, mother fuckers.

Now let's actually look at her speech. Don't be prepared for anything larger than 2 syllables. Oh and can we get some dislikes on these videos? Just one will be worth it since conservatives can barely work computers.

I'm sorry that I can't give you a dialogue between me and her, but she's literally spouting lies. What can you expect from AFP? (AKA Koch Brothers) Just try and imagine i'm saying the exact opposite of everything she is saying, and that will be pretty close.

So when it comes down to it, this is the future of conservative politics. She's the idiotic soccer mom that's not an "intellectual" that every conservative wants in office. She's the idiot with no experience, jumping on the "make the hard decisions" bandwagon that todays lemmings seem to be encapsulated with.

She gives me a heartache. She makes me mourn for the dead brain cells she's caused. She's worse than cancer, because cancer can go away. Her biological makeup makes her the most annoying, stupid motherfucker I've ever seen in my life; and honestly, it's not so much that I don't want to see her run because i'm ready for that.

It's that no matter how many times I think of Utopia, where everyone gets along and everyone is happy with each other, there's still Sarah Palin making some stupid fucking speech, wasting everyone's time and critical thinking skills.

She is the antithesis to progressive change.

She doesn't know how to fix a budget. She doesn't know how to fix anything. All she knows how to do is give braindead speeches and taught her daughter to do the same.

Extra Credit: the Full Speech, if you can even handle it. The protestors make it hard to hear.

I'll just leave it at that. Hahaha. I feel kind of bad for her, well not really. It's just awesome when you watch someone butcher any credibility they might have had.

News for comedy! Cheers!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The reality of the 2012 presidential election

In the last 10 years, America has accumulated an enormous deficit on the back of a retarded texan hillbilly, George W. Bush.

In 2004, the American people were lightheaded when he was elected to a second term. The incumbent advantage here turned into a disastrous 3 trillion dollar deficit by the end of his term.

Obama, the first black president elected in 2008, the democratic rebound in politics, the answer to the countries terrible downturn.

Thank you Obama for all your wonderful contributions.
• refused to roll back taxes on the wealthy
• refused to establish a windfall profits tax on oil companies
• refused to investigate activities carried out by telecom companies
• illegally helped the government tap our phones, and who continued to tap phones without a warrant
• turned his back on Miranda
• refused to investigate any of the Bush Admin. lies, incompetence, corruption or torture
• supported anti-democratic, murderous coup regimes in Central America
• refused to restore Habeas Corpus
• left Guantanamo open indefinitely and maintain that its inmates had no rights at all
• continued extraordinary rendition and torture
• fought to keep Dick Cheney's remarks to Plame investigators secret
• did nothing of substance to rein in Wall St.
• continued to issue signing statements
• continued to delay investigations of CIA torture and even investigate those who protest that torture
• traded away the Public Option even while saying he was in favor of it
• expanded the war in Afghanistan
• opened "vast expanses" of Atlantic seaboard, Gulf of Mexico and Alaska to oil and natural gas drilling
• put politics before science and minimized the BP oil spill and then claimed that there was practically no oil left and that "the microbes ate it!"
• continually filed briefs in favor of large corporate polluters
• was in favor of whale hunting
• used cluster bombs on civilians in Yemen
• refused to investigate Bush's political firings of US Attorneys
• appointed a bunch of right wing psychopaths to the Commission of Fiscal Responsibility
• tried to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle class
• allowed Wall St. Banks, the filthy rich and military corporations to continue plundering our economy
• tried to institute policies which would effectively shut down the internet.
Kudos for this list CCrider

Is this what America wants? No! The people are losing, we're losing really fucking hard.

The GOP and the Tea-Party rave and rant harder than ever. They support everything destroying the middle class and giving to the top class. Then, democrats like Cuomo acknowledging the "reality" of the budget crisis only to keep giving to wealthy.
We can't be tricked like this.

"How far will elected Democrats from the White House on down go in capitulating to the insatiable corporate dominators if their liberal/progressive base continues to signal that they politically have nowhere to go? These voters seem to have few visible breaking points on the dark horizon of over-reaching corporatism.

You have both sides doing the same thing, and I think Ralph Nader presents the reality of the true democratic crisis. Democratic here, being that the people choose, not the corporations.

How is it that polls indicate 81% of Americans agree with higher taxes for millionairies, and both parties continue to present apocalyptic cuts in the name of the budget?

The numbers are there. The bottom 20% sees 200$ a year in additional income. The top 1% sees 6 million a year in just GROWTH.

This is financial insanity.

When you see someone backing Obama, it's not because they want him in office, it's because they think he's better than the GOP. It's because they want to support him because they are also a democrat. But in the reality of it, he's never been on record for any progressive policy, even when he had the perfect senate democratic majority. Those are the facts.

You saw Obama say "No, Ryan, your budget sucks at 33 billion in cuts, i'll give you 38 billion and not a penny more."

Progressives need to have a citizen power like the Tea Party, because you see republicans pushing that agenda. Where do you see democrats being overlooked by the progressive people? YOU DON'T. You see protests of workers in Madison and Ohio and all over the country, but not a single progressive action has been taken.

In order to win, the people are going to have to put progressive politics back into the political system. The only way to win this is to show that we will not support Obama. You can't vote against who you want to win. It's pushing an agenda that's driving this country into the ground. The presidential election of 2012 is already decided. Obama is going to win.

The real answer was seen in the 2000 election. Seeing Nader win probably wouldn't put this country on track, but seeing a country where a majority elects someone like Nader, that's the real answer. Al Gore got less votes and lost because of Nader. You can believe it or you can't. But the truth of the matter is, Al Gore would have been just as bad. None of this is new. We havn't seen a real progressive in decades.

Don't let the guy at 11:20 stare into your soul and steal your progressive dreams. We need to win this. The people need to win this.

We need to focus on the more important duty of recognizing true progressive politicians and putting them into elected office. Work your ass off, because that's the only way we'll win. We can wait for an Abraham Lincoln to emancipate us from this debt, or we can be the change we want to see in society.

And on a day like today, it really brings it home to think about the Civil War and what it tells us about our countries past. We know how a perfect political split violently concludes. And I for one will not be participating. War is the stupidest blunder to ever plague the human race.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The difference between liberals and conservatives.

Original Article


In the above article, AFP published a study in which 90 young adults, conservative and liberal, agreed to have a brain scan.

Basically it shows, using science, that liberals have more gray area in the part of the brain associated with understanding complexity, and conservatives have a more active fear response. Umm, no shit?

When I think of Gandhi, MLK, Jesus, John Lennon, all the preachers of a universal peace and unity, I see not only great capacity for good deeds, but a complete absence of fear. You're goddamn right Gandhi wasn't afraid. Do you think black people would have equal rights if MLK had decided that he didn't want to risk being assassinated?

The answer is no. MLK shattered the timidness within millions of blacks in the United States. In an alternate universe there is a USA where MLK never existed and there was no civil rights movement. It's important that we realize that he acknowledged the risks of his actions and still chose accordingly. I thank him for everything he did.

This lack of fear that is apparent in these liberal minded heroes is also juxtaposed, quite humorously, against conservatism and its icons.

George W. Bush: Fear Muslims!
Paul Ryan: Fear the Deficit!
Scott Walker: Fear the teachers!

"People with a large amygdala are "more sensitive to disgust" and tend to "respond to threatening situations with more aggression than do liberals and are more sensitive to threatening facial expressions," the study said."

Keeping this in mind, it makes me wonder what conservatives really think Government is for. At one point, it was no government at all. Now its a lot of government, inside doctor's offices and in other countries

I really wonder where the heart of conservative politics is right now. Part of me believes that some of these whackos actually think George W. Bush is protecting them from terrorists, or that Scott Walker is protecting Wisconsin from bankruptcy, or that Paul Ryan and all his "tough decisions" and "courageous" cuts are protecting people from something.

NEWS FLASH: Conservative politicians aren't protecting anyone except the top 1% they represent.

Poor conservative voters :(. But I can understand them, they just respond to fear more than others. It's natural to feel fear when its published in the media so seriously, but democrats understand the complexity of these decisions and conservatives do not. There are simple answers that could turn this country around and they are being ignored. Tell me these don't sound fair.

Tax everyone equally.
Elections should be separated from corporate and private finance
Equal media coverage for all parties in an election
End the drug war, not your body not your problem
end the abortion war, not your body not your problem

And for the record, no federal funding goes to abortions. The only money Planned Parenthood receives from the feds is for basic healthcare.

It's funny because you actually see conservative politics opposing all of these points. Why? Because where there is control over the masses, there is a veil of protection being given by these pseudo-protectors. They are lured into a false sense of security. In reality, none of the social issues impede constitutional liberty and there's no reason for this culture war at all. The "sanctity" of marriage and and value of human life aren't at stake, that is simply brainwashing.

And brainwashing comes with a pricetag. Bush's trillion dollar debt accumulation is the disaster that all governments need to learn from. He protected your church from gays and defended fetuses to the bitter end, and he also emptied the wallet of the middle class at an enormous profit. 690 billion is what his tax cuts cost us.

Paul Ryan is trying to revive Bush's legacy. Bush's plans to privatize health insurance is zombified in Ryan's budget. It would give block grants to states to blindly give money to the "best public option". In other words, the corporation that paid for the elected official. That corporation isn't going to take that money and put it towards healthcare, they're going to pocket 90% of it and as far as the citizens paying 40% more? Tough shit.

Conservatives aren't going to fix deficit because they agree with the two most expensive and failed policies in national history. The drug war and the wars in the middle east. These two, if removed from our budget, would give every citizen in the United States an 950$ check, because that's what it's costing each and every one of us every year. Personally I think that nine fitty could be better spent. New shoes? Q-tips? I dont know, anything.
If government actually did their fucking job and put that money to good use, then we wouldn't be in such a terrible financial situation in the first place. Whenever you see cuts to important programs remember this. Corporations don't pay their fair share of taxes. They just don't. The answer isn't what programs can we cut to save money. It's what corporations can we charge with tax evasion and get our fucking money back?

I understand that some programs are bad and need to be cut big time, but cutting education and healthcare seems to be the most popular.

Tax cuts= program cuts.

Relating all this to Obama, it makes you second guess his decisions to arm Libyan rebels, and appoint General Electric CEO Jeffery Immelt as Head of Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Oh I forgot to mention, GE paid 0 taxes on 14 billion dollars in 2009.

Vote democracy, not deficit. Cheers!