Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dear Zanzibar, Journal Entry One

Where have you been and where are you going?

Zanzibar, The boy in the blue mask, you can do crazy things. Everybody talks about him, but nobody has ever had a dialogue with him (except for me of course). Omniborus, my agency, has a file, but it was incomplete. Zanzibar was mysterious though, he just shows up one day, does something super fucking bad-ass, and then vanishes

I asked him why he had insisted on working solo, and this was all I got from him.

"Everyone is saying that now. I'm so tired of this."

And then he was gone, he hopped on his plane and left.

Zanzibar is intelligent, he has a lot of pride stored in his above average IQ. His teachers emphasized that he should be enrolled in some sort of scientific program, something where he would have the unlimited ability to build and explore his talents. Sarah thought this was a fantastic idea. Sarah is, well, Sarah was an entirely different character altogether. Sarah was the kind of person that picks up you and your family like puppets, and then attaches them to a very long string. She was a manipulative, heartless, murderous queen.

But I was smarter, more cunning. At twenty two I could do everything, I knew exactly the skill set Sarah learned; only I was 30 years younger. I hadn't been killing people as long as she had, but I had definitely been killing people. She had me assigned to an assassination, against policy for some childish reason. It almost blew "O"s cover. Sarah was really stupid sometimes. It doesn't make much sense to me why someone would ruin a perfect thing because got stupid. It cost her in the end though. That's for another time though.

Sarah had me in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; which is in America, on a mission to assassinate a politician back in 2010, I can't say who this politician might be for obvious reasons, however; I can say that this politician was the worst of the worst, and he didn't belong where he had gotten.

The mission was to remove him at a media event, which was easy enough, except she had me doing it at knife point, to make some sort of statement. Honestly, I think she was trying to remove me. Conventional methods were much safer, I noticed right away, the deviation from typical policy I mean.

That's where I saw you Zanzibar, your disguise was perfect.

But that's all I have time for; Reeves asked to meet me in some nowhere town in Southeastern America. Georgia. Toodles.


*Update, no word from informant.

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