Thursday, March 24, 2011

Indiana republican makes an 'Oops'

Original Article

“If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions,” the email said.

Deputy Prosecutor Carlos Lam tendered his resignation today after being cornered about the contents of an email he sent to Governor Walker. Read the email here.
Basically, he agrees with Walker and wants to help his cause. But his idea of help is not only illegal, but it lacks empathy, morals, and respect. No empathy for the devastated workers, no morals into creating his idea, and no respect for the truth in a political state. Good thing he quit.

Personally, I think this is perfect for the people. You have an experienced republican activist giving up 18 years of work to give an awful idea to an even worse Governor. Not only did his e-mail remove any possibility of a false flag operation, it will promote an awareness of any other underhanded behavior that might develop in the future.

Oh and the 'God Bless' at the end just really shows how insane religion in the 21st century has become. "Control the masses with illegal and false propaganda, God bless!"
Fuck you Carlos Lam. Fuck you.

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