Saturday, March 19, 2011

News Explosion!

There is literally too much news happening right now, so i'll just do a quick summary.
Save the best for last.

25 miles away from the BP disaster, a 100 mile long 12 mile wide oil sheen was spotted today.

100-Mile Long Oil Slick Spotted Off Louisiana Coast

Sarah Palin spoke in India, and nobody cared, hahahaha.

What some people on the street in India think of Sarah Palin

US Military Action: Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya has already cost us 550 million dollars in missiles alone in its first 24 hours.

Obama's Military Action On Libya

In as little words as possible, 2 hours long:
Lifting the Veil: Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy

What happens when even our constitution is corrupted. Our democratic elections are paid for by the corporate giants that control all the other aspects of the United States of America. How can you have a democracy when economic power as the driver in our political system, when the top 1% have more than the bottom 90%.

On the upside though, we have the biggest most active majorities in all of these topics:

Tax The Rich to Help our Deficit
Universal Healthcare
Union Rights
No More War
Nuclear Disarmament

So it's not all bad, and very slowly we're moving towards a new America.

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